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Let's look back on what you learned

This site has taken you through a History of Educational Technology. Check out the tasks below to see everything that you have learned!

Task 1
Early Technology

Long ago, learning occured mostly through speaking and listening to teachers and storytellers. Storytelling is still used in Aboriginal cultures today. The scroll was created out of papyrus and was used as an early form of books. The invention of the printing press in the 1400s dramatically changed education. 


Activity 1: Listen to a Cree story to participate in storytelling.


Activity 2: Post your thoughts on the lesson of the story on the Padlet.


Activity 3: Printing vs. Stamping - which is fastest?

Task 2
Analog Technology

Analog technology plays sounds and images by using electrical wave to move data from the source to you.  It can include audio technology and video technology.  Audio technology includes radio, cassette tape and tape players, and CDs and CD players.  Video technology include film strip projector, overhead projector, video cassette and VCRs and the newer DVD and DVD players.


Activity 1: Listen to an audiobook and follow along if you have a copy of the book.


Activity 2: Watch the Magic School Bus episode to learn about computers. 


Activity 3: Take a trip to the library and discover what technologies are available to help you learn a new language!

Task 3
Digital Technology

The introduction of computers has changed how we information can be presented to us.  The use of computers has made learning more interactive - a student can make choices and affect how information is presented.  The development of internet tools has also made many more resources available to learners.


Activity 1: Try playing a couple of computer- based educational games from different time periods.  Is this an improvement over previous technologies?  How are these games different from each other?


Activity 2: Try an online tutorial.  What sort of things does the website provide to help the learner?

Task 4
Future Technology

The introduction of the tablet computer has made learning more approachable and exciting for students. As more new technologies emerge, we will continue to evolve our learning styles and have opportunity to experience more engaging and meaningful activities and tasks.


Activity 1: Work with a partner and come up with an idea for a technology that would help make your life at school easier.  Use your imagination and draw, label, and present your idea to your classmates using a tablet presentation app such as ShowMe.

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