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Analog Technology!

Think about these questions as you explore analog technology
  1. How did this technology make it better to learn?

  2. Is this technology used in your classroom today?

  3. If not, is there something similar that is used your classroom instead?

  4. If it is used in your classroom, do you like learning from it when it is used?

Task 2: Analog Technology
What is an analog device?
An analog device reads a recorded media such as a cassette tape or a video tape by scanning it.  Then, it uses an electronic wave to move this recorded information known as data from one point to another.  

This bumpy line moving from left to right is what an analog audio recording would look like as it transmits the recorded data to play it for you!

Do you recognize any of these devices?

Keep scrolling down to learn more about them!

Audio books are a fun way to enjoy a story.  Listen to this audio book of "Put Me in a Book!" by Robert Munsch.  Follow along if you have a copy of the book! 

Click on this picture



to see the slideshow and learn more about different audio technologies 

used in classrooms.

Put Me in a Book! - Robert Munsch
00:00 / 00:00

What is this?

Audio Technology
Video Technology

Don't like being in a book? How about in a computer?        Watch and learn with Ms. Frizzle's class as they set up a     computer in their classroom.  Then go to Task 3 and explore what digital technologies are in your own classroom.

Click on this picture



to see the slideshow and learn more about different video technologies

used in classrooms.

What is this?

Videos are also a great way to learn!

Take a trip to the library 

Now that you've traveled inside a book with Hailey and inside a computer with Ms. Frizzle's class, take a trip with your own class and teacher to the library and see if you can find the answer to these questions:


  1. You want to learn a new language.  How many different technology can you find that will help you learn a new language?  (Ask the librarian to show you any technology that you might have missed.)

  2. Were any of the technology that you found the ones we learnt about in Task 2? 

  3. If the technology is not used, do you think they could have helped you learn a new language?  Why or why not?

Next, head on over to

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