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Life With Cats

Cats are like my spirit animal, they're lazy, all they do is sleep all day and sometimes they do the dumbest stuff. Some of you guys might know my cat (cause that's literally all I talk about after school) and most of the time he's doing literally nothing but sometimes he's so obnoxious. For example, he will seriously bite anything, a tic tac box, iPhone charger anything he'll even scratch the carpet even when we buy him a scratching post.

But he's really not all that bad he's always there for me... literally there are times where he won't leave me alone but sometimes it's not that bad, he protects me.

If you haven't noticed there might be a lot of pictures...

There are a lot of responsibilities when taking care of a cat. Every morning we have to cut the tin of cat food (if we have to open a new one) into fifths and mix it with water so the cat gets enough water in their diet. Usually when cats go to find you and meow at you it's usually because they want attention and want to play or they want food. Throughout the day I feed him dry food which people can debate are unhealthy but I'm not to sure. Sometimes for a treat I'll give him (his name is Bently or Ben or Benny did I ever tell you his name I know it's pretty dumb we didn't name him) some of this little green treat (greenies) which is good for his teeth and a little crunchy ball that's also good for his teeth. Then there's cat nip which will make him go either crazy or make him really chill (most of the time he's really chill) but when we bring it out he meows like crazy jumping at it.

Me and my neighbours are really close. We have this annual neighbourhood picnic in the neighbourhood. I know most of them probably 75% but not all of them. During winter break I would come out more often to play basketball or just skateboard around. While skate-boarding I met a little friend.

I thought I knew who the owners were but I was unsure. His fur was stuck together and was clumpy. I realized later that he might be homeless because I found him at first with a collar and later without and looked worse. Between winter break and spring break (I think) I started to feed him with dry food. When I watched him eat it looked like he had never eaten or hasn't eaten in a long time. Later I found that George's cat had kittens and when I went to visit them and I wanted to take one home so bad.

After thinking about it I don't think I could take one home. If that cat (the cat is Gucci) really was homeless I could never bring myself to adopt a cat with a home and leave a cat homeless. All I think about when I feed him is how can those owners be so ignorant now I might be completely wrong maybe the cat is running around outside all the time and always hungry. Maybe his fur is all clumpy and rough because even when the owners wash him he gets dirty right when they let him out. I really don't know but this really opened my eyes. Even today when I was at the market I even felt a little bad for the fish and crab being piled on top of each other. Anyway it was a life lesson I never will forget treat everyone animals, humans treat them the same.

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