Welcome to my blog, today I will write 5 weird things to do when you’re bored or you just want to have fun. Sometimes when our brain can’t listen to our minds about homework and other unnecessary work the best thing to do is something fun. Usually when we want to do something fun you can’t think of anything, I have listed some helpful tips below to stimulate your mind.
Try making a list of things you enjoy doing, then narrow it down to 3 then 1
If that doesn’t work then do any kind of room renovation (maybe you're bored because you see the same room format everyday)
If you then find yourself lying on your bed doing nothing then you go to IKEA, to the kitchen section and pretend that you live there
Draw a picture
Watch a movie
Which of these fun ideas would you choose? Write in the comments below what you would do if you were this bored.

My next topic is about animals, and who doesn’t like animals they are fun to play with and are really adventurous. Well, these little capybaras wanted to explore Toronto some more so they escaped the Toronto zoo on the 24th of May. Although you may think that Bonnie and Clyde (the capybaras) are the only ones to escape. They aren’t the first animals to escape, last year a four foot tall peacock escaped for 4 days until it was caught.

A llama, yak and a wallaby were let out of their pens by vandals in 2009. They have been nicknamed Bonnie and Clyde after a couple of gangsters from the 1930s. Bonnie and Clyde weigh about 35 pounds each and are about the size of dogs. One woman said she saw the animals about 13km away from the zoo. The capybaras are not aggressive and they usually run away from humans; however, people have been asked not to approach them. The capybaras also have their own twitter accounts @Capybara and @TorontoCapybara.

Don’t rescue the animals!
When you’re in the wild and you see an animal hurt you don’t drive it to a veterinary service, because once you pick it up you might be hurting it even more. What you have to do is call for help. I’m not saying don’t care about animals, I’m telling you to do them a favor and call for help to give them the care they need from someone who knows how to treat them. ’Don’t try to rescue a baby animal in the wild. You’ll probably kill them’ quote by Jessica Plautz. Another quote by Jessica Plautz ‘if you care, leave it there’. This story is kind of like the one with the capybaras because the officers were telling the people to stay away and just call 311 because they might bite if they are cornered.

Thank you
For reading!